Information Technology Updates

5 years 3 weeks ago

A recent phishing scam says you won $2.5M for using Google's services. You didn't, so don't fall for this scam that's trying to steal your personal information.

A new phishing scam is offering Gmail users a prize of $2.5 million as a thank you gift for using Google services. To add legitimacy to the message, the phishers state that the message was sent by a Managing Director on behalf of Google CEO, Larry Page.

Attached to the email is a form entitled "Official Winning Letter by Google and mastercard visa 2019.pdf" stating that the recipient won a Google Visa/MasterCard (GVMC) Award with a cash prize of the aforementioned amount. Recipients are encouraged to fill out the claims form and send it back in order to receive the prize. The document states that the recipient will receive additional emails after the scammers get the claims form, which will most likely be requests for more personal information.


5 years 1 month ago

Coming soon...Your content will be migrating to LinkedIn Learning on August 8th.

LinkedIn Learning is an on-demand learning solution designed to help you gain new skills and advance your career. You will have unlimited 24/7 access to more than 5,000 video tutorials from any desktop or mobile device. Tutorials address business, creative and technology topics presented by expert instructors including industry leaders. Watch for more details later this summer.​

5 years 1 month ago

On Saturday, June 22, 2019 the Panopto application will be UNAVAILABLE as the Panopto cloud site will be upgraded to the latest release.. This upgrade will require downtime from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm CDT. During this time you will not be able to access recordings on the Panopto server, and any attempts to upload will result in a "Server unable to connect" message.

5 years 2 months ago

A Trend Micro fraud researcher discovered a new tech support scam that uses iframes and browser-specific popups to trap its victims, making this scam relatively more sophisticated than other scams of its kind. Details on this scam are available at

5 years 3 months ago

It is very easy to find any information you need in today’s connected world. Have you ever Googled yourself to see what information about you is online? A search can often provide your address history, phone number, age, birthdate, employment information, public records, and social media accounts. Consider what can be done with Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from the perspective of a cyber criminal looking to commit identity theft or other crimes.  Read more at

5 years 4 months ago

Mobile devices, such as smartphones, smart watches, and tablets, continue to advance and innovate at an astonishing rate. As a result, some people replace their mobile devices as frequently as every year. Unfortunately, people often do not realize how much personal data is on these devices. See the latest OUCH! newsletter from SANS for assistance in this sometimes overlooked task.

5 years 5 months ago

As people seek to file their tax returns this year, cybercriminals will be busy trying to take advantage of this with a variety of scams. Citizens may learn they are victims only after having a legitimate tax return rejected because scammers already fraudulently filed taxes in their name. Read more at the Center for Internet Security.

5 years 5 months ago

Cyber criminals continue to come up with new and creative ways to fool people. A new type of scam is gaining popularity— personalized scams. Cyber criminals find or purchase information about millions of people, then use that information to personalize their attacks. Below we show you how these scams work and walk you through a common example. The more you know about these scams, the easier it is for you to spot and stop them.

Read the details in this month's OUCH! newsletter from SANS.

5 years 5 months ago

On Friday, February 1, major DNS (Domain Name System) software and public DNS providers will remove support for workarounds accommodating authoritative DNS servers that don’t follow published operational standards. UNI's DNS servers are compliant with the necessary standards, however, sites using authoritative servers that don’t meet standards may find their resources unreachable by large portions of the Internet. To be clear, the solution for an unreachable site lies with the unreachable site, not with UNI.  Additional information is here.

5 years 5 months ago

January 28 is Data Privacy Day (DPD), an annual effort to promote data privacy awareness and education. This year's DPD events, sponsored by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), focus around the theme, A New Era in Privacy.

The NCSA Stay Safe Online website will feature a live stream of the Data Privacy Day 2019 - Live From LinkedIn event, which includes presentations on opportunities and challenges and the future of privacy, as well as a TED-style talk with the Amazon Web Services Global principal security architect.

The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), part of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), encourages users and administrators to review NCSA's tips on Managing Your Privacy and the following NCCIC tips:


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