Office of the CIO

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the University of Northern Iowa leads the university community in delivery high-quality, cost-effective IT services to its constituents. The CIO is responsible for the alignment of IT services with the university's mission and strategic goals. The CIO is charged with the management of Information Technology department and leadership of IT efforts across campus. The CIO represents IT within the university and throughout the larger educational and business communities. The CIO reports to the Executive Vice-President & Provost and the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations. The CIO is a member of the President's Executive Management Team, the University Cabinet, the Academic Affairs Council, and chairs a number of IT-related committees and task forces.

The Office of the CIO provides support services to the campus community, including:

  • Leadership in the area of IT Strategic Planning
  • Project Planning and Alignment with UNI Strategic Goals
  • Management of IT-related Contracts, Licensing, and Distribution
  • Management of Student Technology Fee Allocations

Services Provided to the Information Technology department include:

  • Budget and account management
  • Oversight of all procurement, business process, and employment-related activity 
  • Policy and procedural compliance with fiscal controls
  • Asset management services

Recent Updates

Monday, March 9, 2020
Information Technology (IT) has updated its training and workshop schedule to include multiple instances of several courses over the next month....
Monday, March 9, 2020
As fears and anxiety continue to rise over the spread of the corona virus across the world, so do email phishing attempts. Those with malicious...
Monday, March 9, 2020
Information Technology (IT) is constantly working to improve and secure the systems and services it runs. These changes take many shapes, including...


Marty Mark - Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Nate Packer - Business Manager
Sherry Kjeld - Account Specialist
  • ITTC 36
  • (319) 273-5555
  • Service Hub