Marty Mark
Chief Information Officer (CIO) - Office of the CIO
Marty Mark, Chief Information Officer at the University of Northern Iowa, provides leadership for university-wide information technology services, strategic planning, governance and policy, compliance, and resource management. She oversees the Information Technology department responsible for the delivery of educational technology and media services; administrative information systems; data network, voice, and systems administration services; information security; and client support services.
Marty represents the university as a member of a variety of state, regional, and national organizations including the Iowa Board of Regents CIO Council, the Midwest Higher Education Compact (MHEC), and the Educause CIO Constituent Group. She is a member of the UNI Executive Management Team, University Council, and Academic Affairs Council. She chairs a number of campus committees and task forces.
Prior to assuming the role of Chief Information Officer in 2014, Marty began her career in technology as a software developer for Iowa Area Education Agency 267 and the Control-o-fax Corporation. In 1989, she joined UNI’s Information Technology department as the Network Systems Specialist, responsible for data network design and management, as well as systems administration. In 1998, she was named the Director of Technology Services for the Division of Administration and Financial Services where she led the delivery of technology solutions in support of Intercollegiate Athletics, Public Safety, Human Resource Services, Business Operations, Risk Management, Budget, Facilities Planning, Physical Plant, Power Plant, and the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center.
Marty holds a Master of Arts degree in Instructional Technology, where she focused on Universal Design for Learning in a postsecondary setting, and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa.