Respondus 4.0
Respondus 4.0 is a Windows application that enhances the functionality and usability of the Bb Learn Assessment tool. Respondus 4.0 is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to Bb Learn. The University of Northern Iowa has obtained a campus-wide license for the Respondus 4.0 software.
Information about the Respondus 4.0 software and the Respondus Test Bank Network (a free service that allows instructors to download publisher test banks) is available on the Respondus 4.0 home page.
Teaching & Learning Uses:
- Synchronize print and online tests
- Upload Word documents to convert to online exam
- Save online test as Word document for print exam
- Easily create answer keys
- Multiple question formats
- Embed images, tables, equations, links to outside content, etc.
- Access to Publisher Test Banks for thousands of textbooks
- Fully integrated with Blackboard Learn