Frequently Asked Questions

The following are a list of frequently asked questions that we have received from our recent
survey of faculty and from others in regards to learning spaces at UNI.

Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns or would have suggestions for adding any additional FAQs


  • Where can I find more information on the Mersive Solstice?
    • For more information on the Mersive Solstice (Screen Sharing) option, please see the following support information:​
    • Mersive Support
  • Can we add more cameras in the classroom similar to the ICN so that students can interact?
    • The budget only allows for a single Logitech C920 to be placed in the new baseline classroom. If there are requests for any additional technologies, the funding would need to be acquired from the department and/or college requesting the technologies. Please create a servicehub incident at with these requests and the ETMS team can work with you to assess what you need and to get quotes for you to take forward to request funding.
  • The placement of the elmo (document camera) on the lectern is difficult to easily use, what can we do?
    • To answer this question, it would be beneficial to know if this is a new base standard classroom or an existing older classroom. If there are any concerns with technology placement, please create a servicehub incident at The ETMS team will work with you and the college support teams to make any changes if possible. 
  • We still have a need to show some content we have on VHS, is that possible?
    • Due to technology and standards changes, VCRs are not included in the new baseline classrooms standard. The following options are available:
      • 1. Check with the library in regards to their new video service Kanopy, - They have many educational and feature films available via the Internet, your video maybe available.
      • 2. Talk with the reserves desk at the Library and see if they would be willing to purchase a DVD version of your video and make the DVD available via the reservations desk.
      • 3. The final option is to create a servicehub incident at to request a temporary install of a VCR in the classroom.
  • It would be helpful to have smart boards in the baseline configuration, why wasn't that done?
    • The budget only allows for either a flat panel screen and or projector and screen as the primary viewing options in the new baseline classroom. If there are requests for any additional technologies, the funding would need to be acquired from the department and or college requesting the technologies. Please create a servicehub incident at with these requests and the ETMS team can work with you to assess what you need and get quotes for you to take forward to request funding.
  • Sometimes I need to install software on the classroom computer but I do not have privileges, can this be changed?
    • The computers in the classrooms are centrally managed by Client Services. For any requests for software please create a new Service Hub Incident -
  • Using the solstice or other technology in the room can be confusing, can we have instructions available in the classroom?
  • Can we have a button installed in the baseline rooms to contact campus security in case of an emergency?
    • All baseline classrooms have a telephone installed in them. The phones should be located on the top of the lectern and have a button labeled "UNI POLICE". Pressing this will directly call The University police.
  • Some of the lighting in rooms make the projectors hard to view, can we get brighter projectors?
    • All classrooms that have been updated to the new base standard have new bulbless bright projectors. If you are still using an older classroom and are having issues with the brightness of the projector, please call 35555, option 5 and report the issue. The support team can assess the situation and try to address the issue.
  • We would like to have zoom available in the classroom, is that possible?
    • All classrooms that have been updated to the new base standard have the Zoom software installed on the computer in the classroom along with a Logitech C920 camera. If you are needing a camera installed in a classroom that has not been updated, please create a servicehub incident at to contact your support specialist for your college or department.
  • Sometimes the wireless in the classroom doesn't work correctly, what should we do?
    • If there is a problem with the wireless within a classroom, please call 35555 option 5 and report the issue.
  • Is there a better way to play DVDs in the room besides through the computer?
    • All classrooms that have been updated to the new base standard have a BluRay/DVD player installed inside the lectern which can play DVDs. If you are needing a BluRay/DVD player installed in a classroom that has not been updated, please create a servicehub incident at to contact your support specialist for your college or department.
  • The microphone in the classroom seems to have battery issues frequently, how can this be addressed?
    • Please contact the learning spaces support line at 35555 option 5 and report any technology issues within the classroom. The issue will be dispatched to the correct service group based on the issue.


Updated 3/2019