Emeritus Faculty & Staff Services & Support
Information Technology at the University of Northern Iowa seeks to offer a portfolio of services that meet the campus’s computing and technology needs for teaching, learning, research, and service while simultaneously ensuring the accessibility, security, and supportability of those services. In recent years, the landscape surrounding those services has undergone significant change ranging from cloud application vendors changing up their long-held service offerings to the ever-evolving nature of cybersecurity threats.
In light of the above circumstances and after an extensive review of University contracts with software and services vendors, Information Technology and the Office of the Provost have worked together to outline the services and support that emeritus faculty and staff will retain access to after leaving the University.
Services and Support Offered to Emeritus Faculty and Staff
Here are the services that Emeritus Faculty and Staff will retain access to when they leave the University:
- CatID username and password
- Basic UNI Google Account (which includes UNI email address)
- Access to eduroam WiFi (or Guest WiFi if desired)
- Access to library public computers in the learning commons
- Access to a subset of library electronic resources
- Duo multi-factor authentication
As technology continues to play a larger role across all aspects of the University, Information Technology’s capacity to support former employees, even emeritus faculty and staff, has been reduced. Technology support will continue to be provided for the services that are being offered. The specific support levels for emeritus faculty and staff include:
- The IT Service desk will provide best-effort support for their use of their UNI Google account in the Google web applications or official smart device apps on personal devices.
- The IT Service Desk will continue to provide CatID username and password support.
- The IT Service Desk will provide best-effort support for connecting personally owned devices to the UNI Guest or eduroam wifi networks.
- Library personnel will provide support for the use of the electronic library databases and other resources.
- Information Technology personnel will provide support on the use of library public workstations and printers.
- The IT Service Desk will provide support for any Duo Multi-Factor Authentication issues.
IT support will not be provided to Emeritus faculty and staff outside of the services listed above. Both IT and the Office of the Provost recognize that sometimes, emeritus faculty continue to play an important role in departmental operations through on-going research or grant activity. In these cases, it will be important for those departments to work with Human Resource Services to ensure they are able to hire their emeritus faculty back in a temporary capacity until grant or research work has been completed.